Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lose Weight Naturally And For Free

Excess weight is not a problem any more for a lot of people. These people have been fat for years or for decades and they have accepted this state as a part of their miserable lives. They have tried numerous weight loss programs which had no positive results. Now they think that there is something wrong with them and losing weight is impossible for them. But this is not true. They are probably victims of unscrupulous traders who sell such weight loss products that don't deliver the promised results. These traders don't want to give real solutions, there is one thing that they want: lots of money - at whatever cost. They take advantage of the people's desperation.

Nowadays more and more "experts" and "professionals" offer magical weight loss solutions. There are both "natural" and "medical" remedies. I think they are all too expensive because they aren't worth their price. Actually, they are useless and sometimes harmful.
Thanks to the swindlers and their "fantastic" products the unfortunate, overweight people believe that their weight problems can't be solved. The truth of the matter is that everybody deserves a life that is free of excess weight, and everybody can be slim and healthy. Losing weight naturally and for free is possible.

When we were born we were not obese. This is true for all of us. We have stored up our excess weight as we have grown up. The human body can get rid of the unnecessary fat in a natural way, without the "fantastic" products.
The only thing that you should do is to increase the rate of your metabolism. The easiest way of this is workout.
There are numerous types of workout that don't require any investment. For instance walking, running, hiking. All you need to have to these activities are determination and discipline.
My second advice is to drink tea - with honey instead of sugar - at least twice a day. Tea is a common household product, so you don't have to invest extra money.

The most effective type of tea is green tea - it has been used as a medicine in China for 4000 years. Green tea is safe and absolutely natural. It contains caffeine which helps you to be active all day. Scientific studies have shown that those people who drink green tea regularly, will not have weight problems and they will be healthier than those people who don't drink green tea at all.

So, don't waste your money and your precious time on useless weight loss programs. Start to exercise 3 or 4 times a week and drink green tea every day. Losing weight is this simple. In this way I am sure that you will approach your desired look.

If you want faster results, you have to stop eating fatty and sugary foods and drinks such as hamburgers, chips, cookies, carbonated soft drinks, processed fruit drinks. Instead of these junk foods choose fruits, vegetables and oilseeds which are healthier and also delicious.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Path to Healthy Weight Loss

The U.S. has one of the world's biggest obesity populations. Every one out of four adults are classified as obese, and that figure continues to rise. Obesity is also linked to health issues including diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure. Obesity can also cause a hindrance on the joints, which can result back, knee, and ankle issues.
Now, there are many different fad diets and workout programs that promote healthy weight loss. However, the main issue with these is that they're temporary. Sure, you'll lose weight, but there's always an end game.
You'll see products that promise that you'll lose X amount of pounds in 30 days, or "give us 60 days and you'll be on your way to a new you." But what happens after the 60 days? You guessed it! The pounds start piling back on faster than you lose them. All of that hard work, effort, and motivation gets flushed away faster than a public restroom latrine, and you're back at square one.
But this doesn't mean that healthy weight loss can't be a permanent change. Nevertheless, your approach to losing weight may need to change.
One of the keys to successful healthy weight loss begins with changing your lifestyle. The road to proper health isn't a 60-day trip, but a life long journey. And like all journeys, you'll have your ups and downs, but if you remember the "why" then nothing can stop you, except for your doubts.
Now, nobody is saying that you have to be exclusive to rice cakes and water for the rest of your life. In fact, having fun is a crucial factor in attaining healthy weight loss! If you can't have fun or have an incentive, then you'll never stick to it.
There are many ways you can slowly incorporate a better living and you don't have to choose them all:
Have concise, realistic, and short and long-term goals
Too many people want to simply "lose weight" or "look good naked." While these are encouraging goals, there's no way to truly attain them because they can't be measured. But losing 20 pounds by March 1 or dropping my body fat down to 10 percent is attainable and measurable. Also, if you're satisfied with the results, then you work on maintaining them. All of your goals don't need to include healthy weight loss. A ambition can be to enter a bodybuilding contest or participate in an Ironman competition by this time next year. But be sure to be realistic with your goals. If your body looks like a sumo wrestler, then you most likely won't make the next Summer Olympics. But you can certainly want to be a little closer to watching your kids grow up.
Join a gym, health club, or social club
If your budget allows it, most gyms both mom-and-pop and commercial have pretty good fitness equipment. A lot of the national chains offer various first-timer discounts throughout the year, especially during holidays. Most of these places have in-house or contracted personal trainers who can at least get you off to a good head with the proper basics of fitness and nutrition. Fitness platforms such as CrossFitTM have trainers and coaches who, not only build your workouts, but are with you for every one of them. Most big fitness centers offer group classes and daycare as well. Also check out your local "Y" for classes.
If you can't afford a gym membership, improvise...
If you have a room with some space, you can definitely still get a great workout without even leaving the house. Fitness equipment like dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, jump rope, and a pull-bar can be bought at competitive prices and can be a cheaper long-term investment compared to a gym membership. You may have to invest more up front for equipment, but it's only a one-shot deal as opposed to ongoing gym payments. Once you purchase the equipment, it's yours!
Become friends with your local bookstore
Virtually every bookstore has a health and fitness section. Do some research and familiarize yourself with the myriad of healthy weight loss methods and techniques. Even if you have a coach or personal trainer. You might come across something that might to try with them at your next session. Chances are, books that make it to the shelves of a mainstream bookstore have legit content. The key is doing your own investigating on the basics of health and fitness and deciding what works for you.
Involve your spouse, friends, family members, and coworkers
Motivation is a big component to personal success. And what better way to find motivation than from the people closest to you? If they truly care about you and your wellbeing, then they should cheer you on and support you. If they don't, then you may want to reevaluate who your friends are. You might not be able to choose your family, but if they aren't helping you, then they're in your way. I'm not suggesting that you cut out your negative family members, but you can certainly limit your contact with them if they aren't helping you. Sometimes beginning your own lifestyle change may inspire your friends and family to do it together! That can be even more fun. You can compete for harmless goals, like first person to lower their body fat to 10 percent gets a free beer from the other. Competitions don't have to be rivalries.
Allow yourself a cheat day
Even the most disciplined athletes get cravings. After all, they're still human like you and me. If you totally deny yourself a guilty pleasure every now and then, you won't stick to your plan. Choose a day during the week, preferably one where you don't have any workouts. I prefer Saturday, because it's my relaxing day. I don't have to worry about what I'm eating. I just enjoy the day without any worries. Seize the day and indulge yourself in any way you choose.
Play intramural sports
Being active in club sports including, softball, rugby, running and biking groups, martial arts, and hockey are great ways to burn calories and also add an incentive of staying in shape. At the same time one can meet new people who are interested the same hobbies.
Social media
There are many social media sites, communities, groups, and forums where members inspire, share their stories, and offer tips for healthy weight loss. And the great thing about them is most are free!
Be patient...
Rome wasn't built in a day. I know it's a clich?, but the reason why is because it's true. No one said it would be easy, but you have to realize all great things take time. They say it takes about 21 days to develop a new habit. You don't have to (and shouldn't) try to change everything at once Allow yourself time to slowly adapt. Take yourself back to when you were at you most fit. Now imagine, however long it's been, how you would look if you had been living healthy from then on. Scary, right? Well it isn't too late. Remember why you're choosing the healthy lifestyle in the first place.
These are just some of the hundreds of ways one can integrate healthy weight loss into their lifestyle. But the first thing you need to do is take action!
Jake Chappelle has been in the fitness industry for more than a decade. He's dedicated to helping people achieve their health and wellness goals.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

What Are the Health Benefits of Eating Fruits to Lose Weight?

There is one food you can eat when you want to lose weight that you will never get enough of. FRUIT! Fruit is one of the healthiest foods available, and for many it is so readily available, we forget to eat it often enough.

Every time you go to the grocery store, chances are you pass it, or you don't buy nearly as much as you are supposed to consume. Each day we are supposed to eat 2-3 fruits and vegetables each. Most days, most of us, don't eat more than one each.
If you like fruit though, using fruit to lose weight is a great idea. Most fruits taste good, whether you like them sweet or sour, and they are a healthy alternative to the other junk we eat every day.

If you are interested in using fruit to lose weight, you need to eat 5 fruits a day. If you don't already eat a lot of fruit, your body will go through a detoxification of sorts when you start eating 5 servings of fruit a day. This is normal and you shouldn't get too sick. The benefits will far outweigh any trouble you have.
The benefits of eating a lot of fruit include many things that are going to aid in your weight loss. You will have a lot more energy. Fruits are packed full of water, nutrients, and fiber.

All of these things add up to more energy for your body, not to mention they aid in relieving symptoms of many disorders, such as IBS, Diabetes, and the aging process.
In addition to energy, you could lower your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and chances of getting diabetes type 2, some cancers, and heart disease. Over all you will be much healthier if you start eating more fruits and stop eating all the junk you have readily available.

You might be concerned though about adding fruit to your diet. But, actually, it isn't as difficult as you might think. For instance because you will be eating so much fruit you can drink juices too. Orange juice for example (better with the pulp) is great to mix with other fruits in the blender and drink. Apple juice, cranberry, and grape juice are alright as well, but you won't get the fiber that is so helpful to your diet this way. In other words try to eat most of the fruit, 3-4 servings per day should do.

Drinking a lot of water will help as well, because it lacks calories. Additionally there are some fruits that are better than others. For instance berries, melons and grapefruit are great for losing weight. Each of these fruits are jam-packed with nutrients that help your body in numerous ways, you just have to include in your diet as much as possible.

It really isn't too hard to stick to your fruit diet once you get started. You will like the fruit, and you will feel so much better so quickly, the weight will seem to melt off. Give it a try, start eating more fruit today, and lose weight, the natural way.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Importance of Water in Losing Belly Fat and How Caffeine Adversely Affects Your Body's Water

If you want to lose belly fat you need to drink water, a minimum of 64 ounces per day. Dehydration increases body fat. Dehydration also causes an increase in glucose (sugar) in your blood until reaching the liver then the increased glucose is stored as fat. The livers' job is to change stored fat by metabolism into energy. Metabolism is a continuous chemical and physical process going on in living organisms and cells creating energy.

Our blood is 90% water and our body weight is composed of 75% of water. The jobs of water are many: assists in digestion, transports nutrients, metabolizes your body's fat and cleanses toxins out of your body. Nutrients from our foods are broken down in the digestive system, becoming water-soluble.

Dehydration will cause your blood to thicken. The reason for this is the lack of water in your body. Your body will steal water from other parts in your body, one of the places is the capillaries. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels passing blood from the arteries to the veins.

The capillaries will shut down from the lack of water.
Therefore dehydration will interfere with the livers' job of converting stored fat into energy, producing belly fat and fat in other parts of the body. Also, dehydration causes the kidneys to malfunction. The liver will than overwork itself, trying to compensate for the malfunctioning kidneys. The kidneys' job is filtering waste, toxins, ingested water and salt out of the bloodstream.

According to Rob Poulos, a fitness author, even though 64 ounces is the recommended amount of water he suggests drinking 100 ounces of water daily, especially if you are exercising. Water is an appetite suppressant assisting in losing belly fat naturally.

Caffeine is a diuretic meaning when you consume a sugar-laden cola drink the caffeine's job is to force stored water out of your body. Consequently if you are dehydrated you will aggravate this problem by consuming a caffeinated drink laden with sugar, storing more belly fat and overworking the liver at the same time.

Mild dehydration causes fatigue, a reduction of 5% of water in your body will affect 20-30% of your physical performance, at a 10% reduction in your water level will make you physically sick and at a 20% reduction level of water in your body you will die.
The results of dehydration are many: constipation, headaches and toxicity causing illness.

But drinking enough water will flush out waste products in your kidneys and liver. Keeping your body healthy, only if the intake of water is enough. So therefore if you are trying to lose that belly fat water is much more than a necessity, it is a must.

There are many studies showing that drinking sufficient amount of water will cause a reduction in the risk of colon cancer by as much as 45%, bladder cancer by 50% and can reduce the risk of breast cancer. If consuming water can have such an impact on these critical diseases, than the importance of water in losing that belly fat is tremendous.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Lose Calories Fast - 3 Effective Ways

Studies have shown that cardio is without a doubt the best way to burn fat and lose calories. The good news is studies also showed that one can actually burn more fats and lose more calories doing less, instead of more of those tedious cardio sessions. Read more below to find out how.
To reduce fat cells and lose calories effectively and efficiently, one just needs 3 types of exercise variations.
1) Low intensity, slow training. These kind of slow speed, low effort workouts increase one's endurance and build fitness foundation. Long (> 45 minutes) sessions train muscles to keep going and in addition, they aid in recovery, refuelling the body for the more intense sessions on other days. 158 to 240 calories are burnt in one session of 45 to 60 minutes which is 4 calories per minute. Minimal effort is required.
2) Mid intensity, rhythm workouts. Mid intensity, medium-speed sessions push one close to one's anaerobic limit, which is the point the body transit from burning a higher percentage of fat to more carbs. One will be feeling somewhat out of breath. This ensures that calories burn at an effective rate at this stage. However, don't clock more than 2 of these sessions a week so that the body has time to recover between workouts. Burn 130 to 195 calories in a 20 to 30 minutes session which works out to 6.5 calories per minute. In terms of effort level, one can just hum a couple of lines of a favourite song during the workout.
3) High intensity interval training. This form of exercise will create a higher metabolic rate and speeds up calorie burning. It has been proven that 7 hours of high intensity interval training over a period of 2 weeks raises one's fat burning power compared to 12 hours of mid intensity workouts. However, such intense workouts will cause damage to muscles and does not aid in muscle repair and recovery although it does help build lean muscles. Overdo it and muscles can weaken. One can lose 80 to 200 calories in a 10 to 20 minutes session which translate to 8 to 10 calories burnt per minute. Because it is so intensive, the effort level is definitely high.

Monday, February 25, 2013

What Really Matters If You Are To Lose Weight

Many people find it hard to shed off extra weight especially when they work jobs that do not require physical activities. Today, there are so many exercise programs, diet programs, weight loss pills and other products and services offered to people who want to keep in shape. Nonetheless, these can only work when the person involved takes them seriously. Here are some things that really matter when you want to achieve the ideal fitness you want.
Taking it slow
Even though many weight loss programs talk about the idea of losing weight fast, it is a better option to take it slow as long as you notice a progressive loss in excess pounds. Losing 1 pound a week is not a bad idea after all. In fact, if you want to make a longer-lasting effect, do not rush ahead and lose about 10 pounds in a week. That may be possible if you follow a serious diet and exercise regime, but the weight may simply spring back easily. If this is the path you choose, then make sure you can find a way to maintain the loss in weight in the long run.
Sticking to a program
If you decide to follow a certain program, never lose sight of your goal. You may experience plateaus along the way but that should not discourage you from continuing. Stick to the program until you finally reach your goal. It may take a longer time to achieve your goals if you are seriously overweight, but keeping everything going is a necessary move you have to consider.
Diet over exercise
Following an effective diet plan is crucial. Although exercise helps you lose weight, diet plays a more important role in the process. Remember that the calories you take in should be lower than the calories you expend if you want to drop in size. However, it is still a good idea to follow a regular exercise schedule to ensure optimum results.
Make use of supplements
Diet supplements help you lose weight in the process, but be sure to use those that work. It is necessary to read product reviews to determine what they can do for you. Nonetheless, do not rely on these products primarily. Usually, these products come with their own recommended fitness programs. Follow these programs carefully to take advantage of their full benefits.
Remember to take it slow and always stick to a given weight loss plan. Consider following an effective diet plan as well and check out proven diet supplements that work. As long as you keep yourself motivated to follow your plans through, you can achieve the ideal weight you want.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Taking Part In A Forever Body Transformation

Many people start to look at themselves in the mirror after the holidays come to an end and the new year begins. Some may decide that this will be the year they start getting their bodies into shape and create the svelte look they desire. This can be a challenging moment as one begins to chart out a plan to accomplish their goals. There are various options available when one starts the journey towards a forever body transformation.

One might want to look into a program that offers a number of benefits. This would include offering videos that one can learn from on how to properly perform exercise routines that can help them get into shape and lose weight. A person may also want help in establishing a personalized program from them to follow as they work themselves into a good physical condition.

There are some professionals who feel that the basic issue is addressing the battle they can rage inside a person wanting to change their appearance. On one side are the thoughts of how to become more active and eat better. On the other side is the urge to just lay on the couch and let the former feelings pass.

Some may seek the assistance of others to help them stay motivated as they work through their programs. There are websites that offer the kind of encouragement and knowledge that keep some people working towards their dreams. These sites can offer a person methods on how to change the way they live in order to stay on the course that they have laid out for themselves.

One of the biggest issues a person can have is knowing what exactly is good to eat. There are numerous schools of thought concerning this issue. Each has their own guidelines that can often contradict those that are offered by different schools of thought. This can be very confusing and can make someone become frustrated

Controlling how one eats is only one part of the solution to weight control. One should also find ways to burn off extra calories while keeping their muscles toned and fit. There are many exercises one can perform to gain the best benefit as controlling their body size.

However, people often face the same challenge associated with food intake. They need to learn what physical activities offer the best chances for success.
Many people to look the best they can. This sometimes means that one needs to find help in developing a forever body transformation. There are professionals who can work with those who are over weight to lose the pounds they have gained over time.